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Pakistan is observing a wide range of transformations in various areas of governance. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is by far the most imperative project when it comes to boosting the economy and developing the lagging infrastructure in collaboration with China. On 19th August 2019, the Government...

Donald Trump officially kicked off his re-election campaign for 2020 in Orlando, Florida. The procession was chanted with slogans like, “keep America first, a huge crowd was in attendance. Trump has managed to reduce taxes, for that matter, he has managed to provide the biggest...

Gwadar, a deep sea port city, located at South-western Arabian Sea coast of Pakistan, has opened up its arms, asking the world to come and invest. The charm of this city is gradually gaining momentum. Gwadar to Pakistanis is a game changer, with its strategic location,itis...

In the last week of May, 2019, the Chinese Vice President, Wang Qishan made a historical visit to Pakistan. The visit was marked with momentous events such as the commemoration of 68 years of “Iron Brother” diplomacy between the two countries and the highest award,...

With the promise of international opportunities and unlimited resources, Pakistan has embarked on a journey of economic growth. Being the 23rd largest economy in the world by Purchasing Power Parity, Pakistan has now picked up the pace in collaboration with the economic partners from around...

‘’Imran Khan winning trust, follower ship of millions in Pakistan, abroad through his conduct, successes’ Imtiaz Rafi Butt’’ As a result of general elections 2018, Imran Khan has become the 22nd prime minister of Pakistan. Following the polling verdicts, Imran Khan appeared before the nation...

Pakistan, as of today, is facing grave challenges. However, it would be a fallacy to say that this country has never seen such grim circumstances. On the other hand, it was born with fatal anomalies, declared and doomed from the very start. On 28th November, 2017,...

As the new PTI led Government comes to grips with the complexities of tackling the national economy, Imran Khan and his team have managed to acquire yet another chance for the country. Just four weeks ago, the economy was on the brink of collapse. Pakistan...

Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf became the dominant ruling party as a result of General Elections 2018. Prior to the elections, Imran khan promised a revolutionary approach towards rectifying the governance of Pakistan, which according to him, had been mishandled for decades. The most notable feature of his...