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tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Lady Margaret Thatcher

Former Prime Minister of Britain

“Lady Margaret Thatcher has asked me to write on her behalf to thank you for your letter and for the information you have kindly supplied regarding your illustrious father and his extensive achievements during his lifetime. Lady Margaret Thatcher was also very interested to read your view of world history and was grateful for you kind comments”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mr. Tony Blair

Former Prime Minister of Britain

“The Prime Minister thanks you for sending him your article about the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and has forwarded your letter and enclosed book to us (South Asian Development) so that we too can peruse throght it.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

John Major

Former Prime Minister of Britain

“I have been asked to thank you for your letter of 28 January to Prime Minister and for your very kind thought in sending him the book and brochure “My Dear Quaid-e-Azam” published by your foundation. The Prime Minister sends his best wishes for the successful launch of your father’s biography next month.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Ronald Reagon

Former President of USA

“The President would like to convey his appreciation for thinking of him and wishes you every success in your endeavor.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Bill Clinton

Former President of USA

“Thank you for your kind words and gift. I am working hard to live up to your expectation and to meet many challenges that still face our nation, and I am grateful for your thoughtfulness. “

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Henry A. Kissinger

Former Secretary of the State for Foreign Affairs the USA

“Dr. Kissinger who is traveling has asked me to express the appreciation to you for sending him the 10th Aniversary journal of the Jinnah-Rafi Foundation. He was not interested to read the correspondence between Muhammad Ali Jinnah and your father which provides fascinating insights into the founding of Pakistan as well as your own articles on present day issues.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (Shaheed)

Former Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan

“The contribution made by your illustrious father M. Rafi Butt towards the establishment of Pakistan is well recognized the Jinnah Rafi foundation can certainly play an important role in preserving the important record of our freedom movement for the benefit of future generations. I commend you for your services to the Foundation and wish you good luck.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mr. Nelson  Mandela

Former President of South Africa

“Please be advised that the contents of your letter have been noted and the copy of the special 10th Aniversary issue of the Jinnah-Rafi Foundation has been forwarded to Mr. Mandela. Mr. Mandela has asked me to convey his best wishes to you and wishes everything of the best of the foundation.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mr. Kofi Annan

Former Secretary General United Nations

“On behalf of the Secretary General, I write to acknowledge with thanks your letter and the accompanying report of the Jinnah-Rafi-Foundation. The report has been shared our colleagues whose duties relate to South Asia. The Secretary General deeply appreciates your kind words of support to him and his work. “

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mian Mumtaz Khan Daultana

Former Chief Minister of Punjab

“Rafi Butt was a friend of mine and had great respect for his ability, energy and pioneering role in industrial development. He was a man of great charm, Great Personality and influence. He belongs to the highest social class of Lahore. He was a very fine and kind man.”

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan

A prominent Muslim League leader

“I had great regard for Mr. Rafi Butt, as he was a self-made man. Besides that, he plunged into the field when Hindus were dominating. He broke their monopoly and proved himself to be a man of extraordinary quality and ability. “

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mian Muhammad Shafi (Meem Sheen)

An Eminent Journalist

“Rafi Butt was a very talented person. Quaid-e-Azam was a far-sighted man and always in search of such people. He wanted to build the free state of Pakistan with their help. Had Rafi Butt not died in air accident so early in life, He would have played a pre-eminent role in the modernization of Pakistan. “

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Dr. Zia-ur-Islam

President Muslim Student Federation at the time Partition

“A finance committee was constituted of which Ghulam Mohy-Ud-Din Kasori and I were the members. Among others, we also called on Rafi Butt for donations and that is how we met. He helped us and thereafter we continued meeting from time to time socially as well as for financial assistance to the Muslim Students Federation.  “

tributes, Benazir Bhutto, Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, John Major

Mumtaz A. Khan

A Prominent Journalist

“I was interested in the activities of Mr. Rafi Butt as he was a devoted sympathizer of the Muslim League and a member of the panel set up by the Quaid-e-Azam for the All-India Muslim League Planning Committee… He was very clear about the stance he had adopted as a keen supporter of; the Muslim League. He was a legend in his own right… I wish there were more people to serve the nation like Rafi Butt. The destiny of the country would change.”